What does the muscle band do?
As the name suggests, neuromuscular strip is a type of diagnostic test to know the function of the nerves of the body. Messages are transmitted between the brain and other body organs by a type of electrical generators that are naturally present in the body. There are different types of message transmission in the body. Some of these transmissions are in the form of touch, pain, temperature, pressure and even other body sensations such as vision, hearing, etc., from the organs to the brain through the nerves, as well as performing daily activities such as moving the hands or feet and other organs, and this is done by a command issued by the brain and sent to the organs through the nerves, and the nerves transmit these commands in the form of electrical waves. This process is similar to the process of a telephone wire. When the nerve does not transmit the message sent to the organs properly, the transmission of the electrical wave message is disturbed to record the intensity, speed and other events and characteristics of the electrical waves that flow along the nerve, which is a method called electrodiagnosis. Electrodiagnosis) or the test that is used to test the neuromuscular strip.
How does neuromuscular tape work?
To explain the method and way of conducting the test, it must be noted that this test consists of different stages, but its main stage is:
- nerve conduction study
- Muscle examination
In a nerve conduction test, your doctor will give electrical stimulation to your nerves, but in a muscle test, a needle will be inserted into different parts of your muscles. But no medicine will be injected into your body in this part.Electromyography is used to check for complications such as pressure on a nerve, especially in the arm, elbow, or wrist. To perform this test, a needle electrode is inserted into the muscle and the electrical activity of the muscle is recorded.The type of wave generated is displayed on the monitor and the sound of the wave is used for diagnosis.After the electrode placement, patients are required to contract their muscles first very slowly and then at greater speeds, which results in different waves.You may feel a slight pain in the skin while the needle is inserted, which is temporary, and after the needles are removed from the skin, the place may burn for a while.If you are taking blood-thinning medications or have a lung problem and there is a lot of infection due to the disease in your body, you should definitely discuss it with your doctor.Nerve conduction is used to check the function of the muscles that produce electricity in the body. These tests are performed by a neurologist or physical therapist.Very thin, fine needles are sent through the skin into the muscle and through these needles the electrical waves produced by the muscle are sent to a special device. The device then collects these electrical waves, amplifies them and finally records them.In this method, the muscle testing device places special adhesives on different parts of the body. These points illustrate the paths we are studying.Underneath these adhesives is a metal piece connected to the device by a wire that collects the electrodes and records the electrical information from the skin surface.The neuromuscular tape device injects a weak electrical current into the skin through one of the electrodes, and this current enters the nerve after the skin and continues its path.When it reaches the next electrode, it receives and records the electrical current. The device examines the duration of the electrical waves transmitted from the first point to the second point.We conclude that the speed of conduction of electrical waves within the nerve has been examined.
What are the benefits of nerve and muscle tape testing?
In general, the benefits of the neuromuscular strip include diagnosing the causes of the following conditions:
- Disorders related to the inability of neurons to send electrical signals to the target organ
- Itching, numbness, and muscle weakness
- involuntary muscle contraction
- Muscle pain or cramps
- Muscle disorders
- radiculopathy
- paralyzed
Neuromuscular Tape Applications
Neuromuscular blocking in the treatment of diseases such as:
- Numbness, tingling and tingling in the extremities
- Pain from disc problems
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- ulnar nerve entrapment
- carpal tunnel syndrome
It is useful in detecting pressure on the nerve roots that pass between the vertebrae and are affected and exposed to pressure by the disc.
Indications for the use of neuromuscular taping
There are several reasons why it is advisable to use neuromuscular taping to treat the diseases it treats, including the following:
- Diseases such as diabetes that cause inflammation of the nerves in the body and cause symptoms similar to a disc, disc surgery will not only be ineffective, but will make the disease worse, a neuromuscular taping test helps distinguish between these conditions.
- In addition to showing the severity of the injury, a nerve taping test shows The muscle is also the site of nerve damage and helps the doctor make an easy decision about treating the patient surgically or trying to improve the patient with the same non-surgical treatments.
- Another common cause among patients is lesions related to the neck and back disc, which undoubtedly plays a major role in diagnosing and treating these problems. Patients can get rid of these problems by going to the clinic and doing tests.
To test the muscle nerve strip, we can stimulate the nerve in one place to get the sensory wave and then record the result on the skin. This test is often used for electrodiagnostic testing, which includes:
- Electro_myography Electromyography, also known as a muscle strip.
- Studies NCS nerve conduction Nerve conduction study, also known as a nerve strip.
These types of tests are used for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or compression syndrome of a familiar nerve in the wrist, as well as to check for sciatica, to check the effects of diabetes on the nerves, neck pain, and to check for nerve damage after blows to the body and other conditions.This test should be done by a specialist Physical medicine and neurorehabilitation.
Important points and duration of the neuromuscular tape test
- Before performing this test, you should warm up your body extremities such as your hands and feet. Remove metal objects such as bracelets or rings from your body and turn off electronic devices.
- If the nerve cleft is performed by a skilled specialist and with high-quality needles, there is no particular pain, but the needle site may be painful or slightly burning.
- This test has no complications and all heart patients, pregnant women and people with metals in their bodies can use this method of treatment.
- If you suffer from infectious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis or blood diseases, kidney and liver failure and heart disease, be sure to inform your doctor.
- The duration of this test depends on the type of test your doctor orders and lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
- Also tell your doctor if you are using blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, or Plavix.